Microwave synthesis and analysis platforms
Presto and Vivace, a breakthrough for quantum technology
Our digital microwave platforms offer synchronous signal synthesis and analysis on multiple ports, in a single device.
    Features include:
  • Direct digital synthesis up to 9 GHz, no analog IQ mixers
  • up to 16 RF inputs, 16 RF outputs in a single device
  • Controlled using Python API
  • Multiple highly flexible modes of operations: continuous wave, arbitrary waveform, pulse sequencing, template matching and more
    Applications include:
  • Qubit control and readout (see tutorial)
  • Nonlinear systems analysis
  • Test and measurement
  • Physics research
  • Vivace is fast and flexible. It can implement any qubit-cavity measurement we thought of and the guys at IMP are constantly improving it. They are always open for suggestions and quick to answer any questions we might have. I give them 10/10!

    — Marina Kudra, PhD student, Chalmers University of Technology

Arbitrary pulses

Up to 256 templates with 500 ps resolution.

Event Organizer

Place pulses and readout on a 2 ns event grid.


Continuous wave modulation and demodulation with up to 192 simultaneous frequencies.

Integrated digital IQ mixers

Mathematically perfect up and down-conversion. No LO leakage, no amplitude and phase imbalance.


Up to 16 analog input and 16 analog output channels, 4 digital outputs and inputs for markers / triggers to other equipment.

Template matching

Match incoming pulses to stored templates to trigger events.

Product details

Vivace Presto - 8 Presto - 16
Max frequency 4 GHz 9 GHz 9 GHz
RF outputs 8 8 16
Max DA sampling frequency 6.5 GS/s 10 GS/s 10 GS/s
Max RF power (at 100 MHz) 0.5 dBm 6.5 dBm 6.5 dBm
RF inputs 8 8 16
Max AD sampling frequency 4 GS/s 5 GS/s 2.5 GS/s
Analog input range (at 100 MHz) 6 dBm 1 dBm 1 dBm
Variable input attenuation - 0-27 dBm 0-27 dBm
# AWG templates 16 per port 16 per port 16 per port
Max template length 1 us 1 us 1 us
Template sampling resolution 500 ps 500 ps 500 ps
Event sequencer max 10736 events max 10736 events max 10736 events
Event sequencer resolution 2 ns 2 ns 2 ns
Continous wave tone generators up to 90 192 192
Continous wave demodulators up to 90 192 192

Vivace and Presto

Vivace 'fast and lively' and Presto 'very, very fast' are named after tempos in music, an art form with many analogies to nonlinear physics and quantum technology. Intermodulation was first observed in music by the Italian violinist Giuseppe Tartini (see Tartini Tone ). Digital tuning algorithms lock in on multiple, intermodulating tones, similar to musicians in an orchestra who create harmony by playing in the same key. The Event Organizer sets the tempo, cuing and shaping each tone. You compose your measurement in Python, Vivace and Presto will conduct your experiment with the precision needed for high fidelity measurement and control of the quantum state.

Event Organizer

Control pulse-based measurements with sub nanosecond resolution using the Quantum Event Organizer™. Each event cues the start of output pulses or input analysis. Output pulses are constructed from pre-stored templates which can be amplitude scaled, time stretched, looped, or multiplied with a carrier tone. Input analysis includes: sample, sample and average, demodulation and template matching. The latter allows for conditional triggering of new output events with as little as 200 ns total latency.

  • 2 ns event resolution
  • 500 ps template resolution
  • 10736 events
  • On-board averaging and parameter stepper
  • Applications: Ramsey, Rabi, qubit readout, qubit reset etc.

Continuous wave

Operate Vivace and Presto as a multifrequency lock-in amplifier. Digital mixers up and down covert the measurement band with a Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO), giving perfect IQ modulation and demodulation with no analog mixers and zero NCO leakage.

  • Work with up to 192 frequencies, simultaneously and synchronously.
  • Drive selected frequencies with phase and amplitude set by user.
  • Measure I and Q response of multiple frequencies with one phase reference
  • All frequencies and all ports are synchronous, with tuning algorithms for perfect coherence.

Controlled by you

  • Based on Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC hardware.
  • Powered by Intermodulation Products' firmware.
  • Controlled by you through a simple Python API.

Presto and Vivace in publications

Measurement and control of a superconducting quantum processor with a fully integrated radio-frequency system on a chip
Mats O. Tholén, Riccardo Borgani, Giuseppe Ruggero Di Carlo, Andreas Bengtsson, Christian Križan, Marina Kudra, Giovanna Tancredi, Jonas Bylander, Per Delsing, Simone Gasparinetti, and David B. Haviland
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 104711 (2022)
Robust Preparation of Wigner-Negative States with Optimized SNAP-Displacement Sequences
Marina Kudra, Mikael Kervinen, Ingrid Strandberg, Shahnawaz Ahmed, Marco Scigliuzzo, Amr Osman, Daniel Pérez Lozano, Mats O. Tholén, Riccardo Borgani, David B. Haviland, Giulia Ferrini, Jonas Bylander, Anton Frisk Kockum, Fernando Quijandría, Per Delsing, and Simone Gasparinetti
PRX Quantum 3, 030301 (2022)
White paper: On digital synthesis and detection of microwave signals for quantum technology