Measurement and control of a superconducting quantum processor with a fully integrated radio-frequency system on a chip
Mats O. Tholén, Riccardo Borgani, Giuseppe Ruggero Di Carlo, Andreas Bengtsson, Christian Križan, Marina Kudra, Giovanna Tancredi, Jonas Bylander, Per Delsing, Simone Gasparinetti, and David B. Haviland
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 104711 (2022)
Nanoscale characterization of an all-oxide core–shell nanorod heterojunction using intermodulation atomic force microscopy (AFM) methods
Illia Dobryden, Riccardo Borgani, Federica Rigoni, Pedram Ghamgosar, Isabella Concina, Nils Almqvist and Alberto Vomiero
Nanoscale Adv., 2021,3, 4388-4394
Fast Multifrequency Measurement of Nonlinear Conductance
Riccardo Borgani, Mojtaba Gilzad Kohan, Alberto Vomiero, and David B. Haviland
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 044062
Intermodulation spectroscopy as an alternative to pump-probe for the measurement of fast dynamics at the nanometer scale
Riccardo Borgani, and David B. Haviland
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 013705 (2019)
Modeling and Measuring Viscoelasticity with Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy
Per-Anders Thorén, Riccardo Borgani, Daniel Forchheimer, Illia Dobryden, Per M. Claesson, Hailu G. Kassa, Philippe Leclère, Yifan Wang, Heinrich M. Jaeger, and David B. Haviland
Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 024017 (2018)
Calibrating torsional eigenmodes of micro-cantilevers for dynamic measurement of frictional forces
Per-Anders Thorén, Riccardo Borgani, Daniel Forchheimer, and David B. Haviland
Review of Scientific Instruments, 89, 075044 (2018)
A combined averaging and frequency mixing approach for force identification in weakly nonlinear high-Q oscillators: Atomic force microscope
Si Mohamed Sah, Daniel Forchheimer, Riccardo Borgani, David B. Haviland
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 101, 38-54 (2018)
Nano-mechanical properties of interphases in dynamically vulcanized thermoplastic alloy
Hailu G. Kassa, Johan Stuyver, Anton-Jan Bons, David B. Haviland, Per-Anders Thoren, Riccardo Borgani, Daniel Forchheimer, Philippe Leclere
Polymer 135 348e354 (2018)
Background-Force Compensation in Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy
Riccardo Borgani, Per-Anders Thorén, Daniel Forchheimer, Illia Dobryden, Si Mohamed Sah, Per Martin Claesson, and David B. Haviland
Probing Liquid He with Quartz Tuning Forks Using a Novel Multifrequency Lock-in Technique
D. I. Bradley, R. P. Haley, S. Kafanov, M. T. Noble, G. R. Pickett, V. Tsepelin, J. Vonka, and T. Wilcox
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 184, 1080-1091 (2016)
Imaging high-speed friction at the nanometer scale
Per-Anders Thorén, Astrid S. de Wijn, Riccardo Borgani, Daniel Forchheimer and David B. Haviland
Nature Commmunications 7, 13836 (2016)
Quantitative force microscopy from a dynamic point of view
D. B. Haviland
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 27, 74-81 (2016)−5937
Local Charge Injection and Extraction on Surface-Modified Al2O3 Nanoparticles in LDPE
R. Borgani, L. K. H. Pallon, M. S. Hedenqvist, U. W. Gedde and D. B. Haviland
Nano Lett. 2016, 16, 5934−5937
Probing viscoelastic response of soft material surfaces at the nanoscale
David B. Haviland, Cornelius Anthony van Eysden, Daniel Forchheimer, Daniel Platz, Hailu G. Kassab and Philippe Leclère
Soft Matter 10.1039/c5sm02154e
Improving image contrast and material discrimination with nonlinear response in bimodal atomic force microscopy
Daniel Forchheimer, Robert Forchheimer & David B. Haviland
Nature Communications 6 6270 (2015)
Intermodulation electrostatic force microscopy for imaging surface photo-voltage
Riccardo Borgani, Daniel Forchheimer, Jonas Bergqvist, Per-Anders Thorén, Olle Inganäs, and David B. Haviland
Applied Physics Letters 105, 143113 (2014)
Determining surface properties with bimodal and multimodal AFM
D Forchheimer, Stanislav S Borysov, D Platz and David B Haviland
Nanotechnology 25, 485708 (2014)
Simultaneous imaging of surface and magnetic forces
Daniel Forchheimer, Daniel Platz, Erik A. Tholén and David B. Haviland
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 013114 (2013)
Interaction imaging with amplitude-dependence force spectroscopy
Daniel Platz, Daniel Forchheimer, Erik A. Tholén and David B. Haviland
Nature Communications 4 1360 (2013)
Model-based extraction of material properties in multifrequency atomic force microscopy
Daniel Forchheimer, Daniel Platz, Erik A. Tholén, and David B. Haviland.
Phys. Rev. B 85, 195449 (2012)
Interpreting motion and force for narrow-band intermodulation atomic force microscopy
Daniel Platz, Daniel Forchheimer, Erik A. Tholén and David B. Haviland
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 4, 45 (2013)
Polynomial force approximations and multifrequency atomic force microscopy
Daniel Platz, Daniel Forchheimer, Erik A. Tholén and David B. Haviland
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 4, 352 (2013)
The role of nonlinear dynamics in quantitative atomic force microscopy
Daniel Platz, Daniel Forchheimer, Erik A Tholén and David B Haviland.
Nanotechnology, 23, 265705 (2012)
Reconstruction of tip-surface interactions with multimodal intermodulation atomic force microscopy
Stanislav S. Borysov, Daniel Platz, Astrid S. de Wijn, Daniel Forchheimer, Eric A. Tolén, Alexander V. Balatsky and David B. Haviland
Phys. Rev. B 88, 115405 (2013)
The Intermodulation Lockin Analyzer
Erik A. Tholén, Daniel Platz, Daniel Forchheimer, Vivien Schuler, Mats O. Tholén, Carsten Hutter, David B. Haviland.
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Effect of material stiffness on intermodulation response in dynamic atomic force microscopy
Daniel Platz, Daniel Forchheimer, Erik A. Tholén, Carsten Hutter, David B. Haviland
Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2010.
Reconstructing Nonlinearities with Intermodulation Spectroscopy
Carsten Hutter, Daniel Platz, E. A. Tholén, T. H. Hansson, and D. B. Haviland
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 050801 (2010)
Phase imaging with intermodulation atomic force microscopy
Daniel Platz, Erik A. Tholén, Carsten Hutter, Arndt C. von Bieren and David B. Haviland
Ultramicroscopy 110, 573 (2010)
Intermodulation atomic force microscopy
Daniel Platz, Erik A. Tholén, Devrim Pesen, and David B. Haviland
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 153106 (2008)